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Monday, September 3, 2007

Message from our Managing Director

As all of you are aware that World Environment Day, commemorated each year on 5 June, is one of the principal vehicles through which the United Nations stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and enhances political attention and action. The World Environment Day slogan selected for 2007 is Melting Ice – a Hot Topic? The theme for this year focuses on the effects that climate change is having on polar ecosystems and communities, and the ensuing consequences around the world.

In today’s world global warming and climate change have become buzzwords. The world is awakening to this problem like never before. Corporates and industry-groups most responsible for spreading the carbon footprint on planet Earth are now embracing the green agenda and are taking appropriate steps to halt this phenomenon. Companies are not confining eco-friendly efforts to their operations, but also demanding their suppliers and companies to which they outsource part of their operations to go green. Investors are also demanding that the companies in which they invest run initiatives to curb global warming as part of their business.

We can feel the consequences of frantic industrialization in the unnatural weather pattern that is exhibited year after year in different parts of the world. Killer heat waves sweep across Europe and parts of North America, areas unaccustomed to such high temperatures. Floods and cyclones are hitting coastal areas with increased intensity. Polar ice caps are melting. Deserts are experiencing floods and snow. Species are becoming extinct. In short, man’s survival on earth is at risk and each and every one of us has to fight this scourge called global warming.

Compared to US, India can hardly be called an energy hog- not if we consider the annual amount of emissions that any single person living here generates. India’s total carbon dioxide emission is not even one third of China and one–sixth of the US. But our current level of carbon emission is going to go up as we achieve further industrialization, although we would still be far below the current level in the US and China. Realizing the enormity of this problem, we have identified global warming as part of our corporate marketing programme and through this initiative, we would strive to spread concern for the environment among others.

TIME magazine in one of its issues on ‘Environment’ has identified eCommerce as one of the most efficient and environment friendly services. eCommerce provides a plethora of opportunities to reduce waste and energy consumption, thereby preserving nature and protecting the planet.

eCommerce has been instrumental in helping traditional manufacturing and commercial companies put their supply chains on the internet and in the process reduce inventories, overproduction, paper transaction, mistaken orders. This eliminates the paper trail to a large extent and ensures companies achieve greater output with less energy consumption. eCommerce also reduces the need for physical travel, thereby reducing fuel consumption and green house gas emissions.

eCommerce has also cut down the pressures on real estate by rendering unnecessary large areas of land, which would have normally been used for office space. This helps in preserving the natural habitat of the animal population and maintaining oxygen levels in the environment. It has been observed that eCommerce has made as much as 3 billion square feet of office space redundant.

We junctionites have to realize that we are on the brink of a serious crisis and are facing imminent disaster from global warming. The simple pleasures of life like fresh air, clean water and the pristine beauty of nature which we take for granted today, may not be there tomorrow for us to enjoy if we don’t take action now. We have to accept reversing the effects of climate change as our moral responsibility.

Let’s make a joint effort to save our planet. Let’s fight Global Warming.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A wonderful start indeed